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Artist of the Month

Here you will find our featured artist of the month we're learning about in class, along with some examples of their work and links to learn more about their lives!

Our Artist of the Month for November is: VINCENT VAN GOGH!!!

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in Holland! (Over 100 years ago!) He studied other artists' work and mostly taught himself how to draw and paint. As an adult, he moved to Paris to really focus on his artwork. There, he met some of the great Impressionist artists and adopted the style he is most famous for: lots of bright, vivid colors and short paint strokes.

"Starry Night Over the Rhone" - 1888 - Oil Paints on Canvas

"Oleanders" - 1888 - Oil Paints on Canvas

"Cypresses" - 1889 - Oil Paints on Canvas

"Starry Night" - 1889 - Oil Paints on Canvas

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